CHAPTER 22Importing and Cleaning Data

Data is everywhere. For example, if you run a website, you're collecting data continually, and you may not even know it. Every visit to your site generates information that is stored in a file on your server. This file contains lots of useful information if you take the time to examine it.

That's just one example of data collection. Virtually every automated system collects data and stores it. Most of the time, the system that collects the data is also equipped to verify and analyze the data—but not always. And, of course, data is also collected manually. A nonautomated telephone survey is a good example.

Excel is a good tool for analyzing data, and it's often used to summarize the information and display it in the form of tables and charts. But often, the data that's collected isn't perfect. For one reason or another, it needs to be cleaned up before it can be analyzed.

Excel is a great tool for cleaning up data. Cleaning data involves getting raw data into a worksheet and then manipulating it so that it conforms to your requirements. In the process, the data will be made consistent so that it can be properly analyzed.

This chapter describes the various ways to get data into a worksheet, and it provides some tips to help you clean it up. ...

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