Index 1019
list of, creating, 347
new, SMTP address, 233
permissions, adding, 249–50
permissions, removing, 251
permissions, viewing, 250
per processor core, 874
PrimarySmtpAddress property,
quarantine, 549
recovered, 850
recovering, 357–60
removing, 110
resource, 762
room, 132, 762–70
searching for, 236
sets, creating, 273–75
shared, 133, 231–32
size, 308
snapshots, 850
special, 756–59
statistics, 279
storage limits, 170
updating, 233, 244
user, 132
user, access, 249–51
working with, 114
working with (EMS), 232–53
Mailbox moves, 110, 111, 134–38,
to ActiveSync, 713–15
email address policies and, 178
between forests, 249
logging, 138–40
schedule, 136
Mailbox properties, 114
retrieving, 234–44
setting, 234–44
Mailbox quotas, 168–73
applying, 171
event logging, 172
growth, 324
OWA flag, 173
setting, 170–73
Mailbox servers, 30, 436
AD use, 32
configuring, 472
instructing, 472
Mailbox table, 320
Mail Flow Troubleshooter, 936,
defined, 943
example, 944–45
problems, 943
summary report, 945
symptoms, 943–44
Mail hygiene, 523–28
Mail.que, 461
Mail storms, 775–76
Mail submission service, 34
background, 360–68
tasks, 360–61
tombstone, 365
Majority node set (MNS) clusters,
906, 907
Exchange 2007 running on,
Microsoft services running on,
See also Clusters
Managed content settings, 818
control elements, 819–20
creating, 822
setting up, 821
Managed Folder Assistant, 829–31
log, 833
schedule, 829, 830
starting, 831
tasks, 830
Managed folder policies
allocating, 826–27
applying, 827–29
assigning mailboxes with, 827,
defined, 761
number of, 826
Managed folders
activity, logging, 831–33
creating, 824–25
defined, 824
deletion and, 834
grayed out, 835
harvesting information from,
removing, 825
storage limit, 825
using, 833–35
Management frameworks, 959–63
HP OpenView, 961–63
MOM, 960–61
MAPI, 2–4, 581, 695
access, disabling, 604
buffers, 600–601
client-side, 10
compression, 600–602
connections, 349–50, 351
connections, testing, 294
defined, 581
in Exchange 2003, 3
logons, 351
as message format, 3
profiles, 584, 586
properties, 305, 318
as protocol, 2–3
restrictions, 605
RPC combination, 581
server-side, 10
sessions, 349
MAPI clients, 306, 318, 582
authentication, 590
blocking via registry, 607
disabling, 606–7
OST use, 619
preventing from connecting,
MAPI.Net, 3
ISend, 228
aximum database size, 343–45
MDBVU32 program, 968
defined, 860, 968
documentation, 861
free and busy data view, 859
illustrated, 968
sessions, 968
kernel-mode, 311
mailbox server, 874
management overhead, 323
trading for I/O, 312–17
virtual, 311, 883
Mergers, 272
Message categorization, 438–39
Message classifications, 837–47
A/C Privileged, 837
Company Confidential, 837
Company Internal, 837
default, 837–38
enabling values, 844
exported XML data for, 842
importing, 843–44
intelligence, adding, 844–47
no restriction, 837
parameters, 839–40

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