The Git repository that contains the SpatialSoundPlayer also contains a sample project. This is just the standard spinning cube sample; however, now, when you tap to position the cube, it will also make a noise, coming from that cube.
Let's investigate how this works.
Open the HoloSoundsMain.cs file. I have a new private member here:
private SpatialSound _spatialSound;
This is our component. In the SetHolographicSpace method, you see how I initialize it. I give it RoomType and a file it can process. Of course, the ping.wav file is part of the app as well:
_spatialSound = new SpatialSound();_spatialSound.SetRoomType(RoomType.Medium);_spatialSound.Initialize(@"Assets/Sounds/ping.wav");In the Dispose we clean up after ourselves: ...