Chapter 7
Microsoft Office Integration
In This Chapter
Getting familiar with Microsoft Office integration
Using SharePoint Workspace
Understanding how Microsoft Access integrates with SharePoint Online
“With just one click, I can show my co-worker a document I’m working on and make suggested changes while in a videoconference; we can even use a virtual whiteboard. My co-worker might be in Ohio, while I’m in Seattle, but we’re drawing on the same whiteboard, just like we’re sitting in the same room. That is just really, really cool.”
— David Kroenke, Technology Textbook Author
Microsoft Office 2010 reached the phenomenal level of selling one copy of the software every second (that’s about 31.5 million copies sold as of June 2011). This success was hard won. Bundled programs, such as Microsoft Word, lagged behind WordPerfect, a word processing program that dominated the industry in the 1980s.
The allure of Office 1.0 in the 1990s, with its bundled suite including Word (with its intuitive graphical interface), Excel, and PowerPoint, eventually won over most of the last WordPerfect holdouts. Over the years Microsoft Office continued to evolve with the addition of more applications to ...
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