Chapter 21
Ten Signs It’s Time for You to Move to the Cloud
In This Chapter
Deciding what’s best for your organization with the tools available in the cloud
Protecting your company’s data and avoid business disruptions with off-premise solutions
Empowering team members to be a part of the cloud strategy
Leading your organization into the future
“A power surge nearly destroyed our in-house e-mail server. Had we not recovered it, a great deal of historical knowledge and valuable information would have been lost forever, not to mention the lost productivity for days or weeks. Now we have a secure, redundant, cloud e-mail system we can access anywhere, anytime, with a consistent interface, and it’s made our business stronger.”
— Kevin Hart, Partner and Founder, Hart-Boillot (10-employee communications agency)
Microsoft has already made it easy for your business with the release of Office 365 and its portfolio of cloud products. Whatever cloud investments you make now will work for you in the future. And even if you’re not a Microsoft fan, your options for cloud technology are not wanting, ...
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