Index 649
Farm Administrators group, 42
Farm Features, 464
Feature element, 466–71
ActivateOnDefault attribute, 467, 470
AlwaysForceInstall attribute, 470
attributes, 467–71
AutoActivateInCentralAdmin attribute,
Creator attribute, 469
DefaultResourceFile attribute, 471
defined, 466
Description attribute, 469
Hidden attribute, 470
Id attribute, 469
ImageUrlAltText attribute, 469
ImageUrl attribute, 469
ReceiverAssembly attribute, 470, 482–83
ReceiverClass attribute, 470, 482–83
RequireResources attribute, 471
Scope attribute, 467, 468, 470
SolutionId attribute, 471
Title attribute, 469
Version attribute, 469
Feature receivers, 482–83
creating, 505–6
defined, 482
as event receivers, 531
activated, database entries, 489
activating, 487–90
activation dependencies, 480–82
architecture, 466–82
assemblies, 484
benefits, 464
Brand, 498–99
branding with, 496–511
creating, 484–86
custom actions, 475–79
deactivating, 490–91
defined, 24, 463–64
deploying with solution framework, 493–96
directory, 442
element manifests, 468, 471–73
elements, 466–71
element types, 472–73
Farm, 464
files used in, 494–95
folders, 466
identifying for stapling, 442
installing, 464, 486–87
lifecycle, 483–91
management pages, 487
module elements, 473–75
MOSS, 72–75, 464–66
properties, 479
PublishingLayouts, 464–66
registering event handlers using, 536–40
scope, 467–68
Site, 464
Site Collection, 467–68
three-state workflow representation, 622
uninstalling, 491
use of, 464
Web Application, 464
element, 492, 504
Feature stapling, 441–45, 491–93
defined, 491
Feature identification for, 442
illustrated, 492
Feature.xml file, 443, 537, 552
content type, 540
file provisioning, 475
workflows, 626, 627
Field controls, 108
File element, 452
Filter properties, 334–37
defined, 329
illustrated, 336
property usage, 334–35
values, 336
Filters, 83
duplicate, 129
search engine, 118
Folders, 32–33
Features, 466
managed, 105
themes, 415
turning on/off, 547
Form1_Load method, 306
Forms, 242–43
administrator-deployed, 586
approval workflow association, 634
approval workflow initiation, 635
approval workflow modification, 635
approval workflow task, 636
browser-enabled, 639
data source association, 570–71

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