656 Index
indexing pipeline, 118
protocol handlers, 117–18
word breakers/stemmers, 118
data storage, 141
keyword, 129
pivot, 140
understanding, 140–41
URL, 130
Search indexes, 218
limit recommendation, 203
sizing, 210–11
Search Scopes, 191–92, 203
Search service, 192
Search Web service, 301, 302
Secondary data sources, 574
adding, 580–81
configuring, 640
converting to UDC files, 582
Securable objects, 38
form level, 640
form templates, 611–15
validation error, 292
Security model, 37–44
authentication, 42
authorization, 37–42
granular permissions, 42–43
user interface, 43–44
See also WSS 3.0
Security-trimmed user interface, 43–44
Security trimming, 90
Server name mappings, 121
Server-side scripts, 319
Service accounts, 213–14
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
key points, 226
planning, 226–28
priority levels, 227
RACI charts, 228
roles and responsibilities, 227–28
Shadow environments, 230
Shared Services Providers (SSPs), 70, 565
adding content to, 290–93
data retrieval, 286–90
defined, 2
development, 237–65
master pages, 393–99
namespaces, 285
programmability, 267–307
removing content from, 293–95
rights, 97
technology evolution, 9
as two parts, 11
user profile, 144–52
as Web application, 196
Web applications, 16
SharePoint deployment
authentication providers, 190–91
backup and restore, 218–19
database sizing, 210
data migrations, 219–22
disk subsystem planning, 209–11
enterprise search scoping, 191–92
features, 190–95
global, 211–13
MOSS sizing, 203–9
My Sites, 192–93
performance monitoring, 232–35
planning, 189–235
requirements, 189–90
RSS feeds, 193–94
rules, 189–90
search index sizing, 210–11
sizing, 195–203
software, 213–17
support planning, 222–32
user profiles, 192–93
Web Parts impact, 194–95
SharePoint Designer, 243–49
Apply Styles task pane, 247
authoring workflows with, 628–31
contributor mode, 243–44
contributor settings, 245
CSS Properties task pane, 247
data view Web Part, 317–18
defined, 243
environment illustration, 247
environment layout, 246
Manage Styles task pane, 247
task panes, 247–49
ToolBox task pane, 248
tools/components, 243–44
views, 248
workflow editor, 248–49, 629–31
SharePoint Portal Server 2003. See SPS 2003
SharePoint Server 2007. See MOSS

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