Index 661
data view, 317–18
data view formats, 317
debugging, 374
defined, 309–10
definition, uploading, 315
deploying, 378–81
deployment process, 223, 351–54
impact in SharePoint deployment, 194–95
KPI, 171
menu, 361–62
methods, 355–59
modifying, 315–17
MOSS, 75–76, 317–41
packaging, 375–78
per page limit recommendation, 202
placement, 309
provisioning feature, activating, 379
provisioning in Web Part gallery, 379
registering, 351
removing, 317
rendering process, 354–55
RSS viewer, 76
search, 132–37
solution file creation, 259–61
solution file deployment, 256
table of contents, 76
title, modifying, 316
tool panes, 362–66
.webpart file extraction, 376
in wiki pages, 49–50
zones, 109
See also specific Web Parts
.Webpart files, 261–62
WebReady Document Viewing Capability, 186
Web services
Administration, 299
Alerts, 299
Authentication, 299
Copy, 300
Document Workspace, 300
Forms, 300
Imaging, 300
infrastructure, 299
levels, 297
List Data Retrieval, 300
Lists, 300
Meetings, 300
Official File, 301
People, 300
Permissions, 300
Published Links, 301
Search, 301, 302
SharePoint Server 2007, 301–2
Site Data, 300
Sites, 300
User Profile, 302
User Profile Change, 302
Users and Groups, 301
Versions, 301
Views, 301
Web Part Pages, 301
Webs, 301
Workflow, 302
working with, 302–7
WSS 3.0, 299–301
XML, 319–20
WebsOverride property
defined, 328
illustrated, 333
using, 333
See also Content query Web Part
Webs table, 21
Webs Web service, 301
WEBTEMP*.XML files, 435, 441, 455
Wiki pages, 46–51
creating, 49
defined, 46
in document library, 47
with metadata, 51
versioning on, 13
Web Parts in, 49–50
Wiki site definition, 434
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF),
240–41, 618
Windows SharePoint Services 2.0. See WSS 2.0
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. See WSS 3.0
Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF), 240–
41, 618
CreateActivity activity, 618
runtime engine, 618
SendEmail activity, 618, 619
TerminateActivity activity, 618
Word 2007, 180–82
document information panel, 182
offline editing, 180–81
version comparison, 181
Word breakers, 118
Workflow Designer, 625, 626, 630
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