9.5 Access 2007 183
Chapter 9
9.4 Excel 2007
We already discussed in Chapter 8 how the Excel 2007 client integrates with
Excel Services, so here we will briefly discuss other generic integration capa-
bilities that do not require Excel Services.
If you used all of the SharePoint integration capabilities in Excel 2003,
the first thing you are going to note is the removal of the ability to do a two-
way synchronization between Excel and a SharePoint list. Microsoft has
stated that Access 2007 should be the vehicle for this type of operation, and
whether you agree with this or not, it is what it is. Further discussion on this
can be seen on the Excel teams blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/excel/archive/
2006/08/24/718786.aspx Importing from a spreadsheet to a list is still possi-
ble, as is exporting to Excel for analysis.
You can synchronize spreadsheets from a library to Outlook in the same
way as you can Word and PowerPoint documents, and you can work offline
and interact with the document information panel.
9.5 Access 2007
A lot of work has been done to integrate Access with SharePoint, and you can
now choose to link Access data to items in a list (termed upsizing) and also
store entire Access databases as items in a library.
The Open with Access option on the Actions menu of a list allows you
to modify the list items directly from Access or to export a copy of the data
into a table in a database. When you are editing linked SharePoint data,
Access allows you to work offline with a simple click at the bottom right
hand corner of the Access window. You are also given a visual indication of
which rows in your table have not yet been updated in the SharePoint list.
When you next work online, changes from both the local Access table and
the SharePoint list are synchronized using various methods of the list Web
service such as GetListItemChangesSinceToken, UpdateListItems, and
You can create a new database from Access and link its tables to Share-
Point immediately. After supplying details to the SharePoint site, new lists
are created to host the contents of each table. Furthermore, the database
itself is published in its entirety to a library, and you have the option of hav-
ing shortcuts published to the database’s views and reports. What does this
mean? Any view that is associated with the underlying Access table is auto-
matically added to the list of available views in the SharePoint list. When a
user takes one of these views from SharePoint, Access 2007 is launched to
display the view.
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