14.4 Customizing the Color Scheme 407
Chapter 14
igation automatically or manually, and finally you can modify the actual
entries in the navigational structure. Using the Add Heading functionality,
you can add specific headings in your navigational structure and choose
whether the headings actually link you to a page. Additionally, you can add
your own custom links to the navigational hierarchy.
The Look and Feel menu on the Site Settings page also includes a link to
the Tree View Settings page, which allows you to enable and disable both the
Quick Launch menu and the Tree View menu. The Quick Launch menu is
the vertical menu, or current navigation, that appears on the left hand side of
an uncustomized SharePoint site. Figure 14.23 shows the home page of a reg-
ular collaboration portal with the Tree View setting enabled and the Quick
Launch setting disabled.
14.4 Customizing the Color Scheme
As with previous versions, SharePoint Server 2007 and WSS 3.0 make exten-
sive use of cascading style sheets (.css) to define the color scheme and layout
of their pages. Cascading style sheets allow you to assign several properties at
once to all of the elements on an HTML page marked with a particular tag.
The term cascading style sheets implies that two or more style sheets can cas-
cade together to produce the final look of the page. The language used for
creating cascading style sheets is CSS, a simple declarative language that
allows you to apply stylistic information, such as the font and color, to docu-
ments written in HTML or XML. Elements on the page are associated with
Figure 14.23
portal with Tree
View enabled.
408 14.4 Customizing the Color Scheme
properties and values in the style sheet. For example, Figure 14.24 declares
that BODY elements are 10-point blue text.
The main style sheet that controls the color scheme and layout for
SharePoint Server 2007 and WSS 3.0 is core.css, which can be found in the:
\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server exten-
directory. Core.css con-
tains numerous classes that are used to define specific elements on a page. For
example, the
ms-bannerframe class controls the background color of the
navigation bar that appears at the top of the page. How do you know which
class controls which element on the page? The WSS 3.0 SDK provides a table
that describes each class defined in core.css. The SDK also provides sample
code (Figure 14.25) that you can add to a page, which applies a tool tip to
each element, describing the class that controls that element.
Figure 14.24
Sample CSS Code
Figure 14.25
Script code to
identify CSS
14.4 Customizing the Color Scheme 409
Chapter 14
The code can be inserted into a content editor Web Part to show the
classes specific to that page. Alternatively, you can include the code within
BODY element of your master page, which will allow you to see the classes
across all the pages that inherit that master page. The code basically adds an
area on your page that displays the title of the class applied to the region over
which your mouse is hovering (Figure 14.26). Notice that the mouse pointer
is hovering over the title area of the page, and the style that is being used by
the title area is
An excellent tool for anyone customizing the look and feel of SharePoint
is the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar, which is available as a free down-
load on the Microsoft Web site. Once installed, it provides tools that allow
you to explore the document object model (DOM) of a Web page, view the
source of HTML and CSS, and view HTML object class names and IDs.
14.4.1 Creating Custom Style Sheets
You should not customize core.css directly; instead, you should create a cus-
tom style sheet that contains all the classes that you would like to override.
You could then store this file in the same directory as core.css (
Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\
and reference your new custom
style sheet. Alternatively, if you wanted to take advantage of the enterprise
content management capabilities of SharePoint Server 2007, instead of stor-
ing the file directly on the file system you would upload your custom style
sheet to a library such as the style library, and benefit from the version con-
trol and publishing model.
There are several options when it comes to referencing custom style
sheets in SharePoint, and the option you select depends on what you want to
Figure 14.26
Home page with
CSS script applied
to master page.
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