16.5 Feature Lifecycle 483
Chapter 16
lery. As previously mentioned, the properties defined in the Feature.xml file
are accessible to Feature receivers. Figure 16.11 shows some very basic code
for the ChangeMaster class in the MyMasterFeature receiver assembly. Once
again, it is important to note that this code is for demonstration purposes
only, as the code does not contain the appropriate exception handling
required for production. The ChangeMaster class inherits from the
class, thus making it a Feature receiver class (line 9). Once you
have set up the Feature receiver inheritance, you are free to override the Fea-
ture receiver methods such as
FeatureInstalling, FeatureActivated,
FeatureDeactivating, and FeatureUninstalling. In this example, we
override the
FeatureActivated method (lines 11 thru 24) and the Feature-
method (lines 26 thru 39). The FeatureActivated method
retrieves the value associated with the
activateMaster property in the Fea-
ture definition, traverses through each site in the site collection, and sets the
MasterUrl and CustomMasterUrl properties equal to the value
retrieved from the activateMaster property. The
method retrieves the value associated with the deactivateMaster property in
the Feature definition, traverses through each site in the site collection, and
sets the site’s
MasterUrl and CustomMasterUrl properties equal to the value
retrieved from the
deactivateMaster property. The properties provided by
SPFeatureProperties object include a pointer to the parent of the Fea-
ture, so you always have access to the Web site, site collection, Web applica-
tion, or farm in which the Feature is being activated (line 16 and line 31).
16.5 Feature Lifecycle
So far we have discussed the various files, attributes, and elements that com-
prise the Feature architecture, but we have not really discussed how to actu-
ally create, install and activate a Feature. The basic lifecycle of a Feature
involves creating the Feature, deploying the Feature, installing the Feature,
activating the Feature, deactivating the Feature, uninstalling the Feature and
then ultimately removing the Feature files from all the front-end Web servers
(Figure 16.12). The adding and removing of Feature files can be performed
manually on each front-end Web server; however the best practice recom-
mendation is to use the Solution Deployment Framework to deploy and
manage the Feature. Using the Solution Deployment Framework offers the
advantage of being able to easily retract the solution from all Web servers
within the farm. Figure 16.12 doesn’t take into account the removal of the
files provisioned by the Feature itself. As a best practice, your Feature should
clean up its footprint during the uninstall process; in the event that the files
cannot be removed, such as is the case for master pages, the uninstall process
should ensure that the files are hidden or, at the very least, that all settings
revert to their default or prior settings. In the remainder of this section, we’ll
assume that the deployment and removal of the files, including provisioned
484 16.5 Feature Lifecycle
files, are handled, and we will focus on the creation, installation, activation,
deactivation, and uninstall phases of the life cycle.
16.5.1 Creating a Feature
As previously mentioned, a Feature is a folder containing one or more files that
define and deliver the functionality. There is no real rocket science behind the
creation of Features; the process involves creating a folder in the \Feature direc-
tory, creating a Feature definition file, and creating the additional files required
by the Feature, such as an element manifest file. Obviously, if your Feature reg-
isters an event receiver or implements a Feature assembly, then the process is
more complex and involves the development effort of creating the custom
Figure 16.11
Feature receiver
code (C#).
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