Chapter 9. Microsoft Office Excel 2007
After Microsoft Word 2007, Excel is perhaps the most-used application in the Office suite. It is used for everything from complex financial spreadsheets to workbooks that keep simple lists of inventory and other items that people need to keep track of. In this chapter, you will look at what's new in Excel 2007, how it interacts with SharePoint, and in particular, how it interacts with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 and Excel Services. In this chapter you will also be investigating key performance indicators and how to display and work with them on SharePoint. This chapter will be using some features only available with MOSS 2007, and it will point out when something is not available to Windows SharePoint Server (WSS) version 3 users. Because this is a single chapter, it is assumed that you are familiar with the basics of Microsoft Excel 2007. Guidance is provided where something is a little out of the ordinary; otherwise, you will be pointed in the right direction in terms of Excel 2007 only.
Excel is a hugely popular program with a very wide user base ranging from normal everyday users to professional programmers. People use Excel for all sorts of things including creating databases to maintain information, as many find Access 2007 a little difficult to use or too restrictive in terms of design knowledge required. Users like this tend to use Access for its query tools, creating queries on data held within Excel and imported ...
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