Chapter 16
Unleashing Features Designed for Large Enterprises
Understanding how Teams works with large enterprises
Looking at some of the advanced features of Teams
Digging deeper into enterprise-specific scenarios
Discovering where to go next when using Teams in a large organization
Large enterprises have specific needs when it comes to software and communication systems. Large organizations must deal with issues such as compliance, reporting, and mass scale. Microsoft figured out how to solve these issues with its Skype for Business product and has integrated those components into Teams. So even though Teams is a new product, it was designed to pull in Skype for Business features in order to accommodate large global enterprises.
In this chapter, you learn about using Microsoft Teams in large enterprises, including how to roll out Teams across your organization and how to keep your teams and channels under control. You discover some of the advanced features of Teams, such as cloud voice, compliance, and reporting. You also discover some tips and tricks for using ...
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