Chapter 18
Ten Tips for Better Teams Meetings
Making Teams meetings more organized
Chatting, taking notes, and using a whiteboard
Sharing your screen and taking control of others’ screens
We all have our fair share of meetings. And now, in the time of COVID-19, it may seem that meetings have taken over our life, from work meetings to school to friendly get-togethers to socialize. Meeting online has become such a part of our culture that even my 6- and 4-year-old nephews are used to jumping onto video calls to attend class.
Meetings come in all shapes and sizes with the only constant being that they fill up our schedule. With so many meetings on our plates, it is important to be as efficient as possible in organizing, scheduling, and conducting a meeting. Fortunately, Microsoft Teams includes several features that are particularly useful for meeting efficiency. In this chapter, I share my top ten tips for conducting better meetings in Teams.
Chatting During a Meeting
The most common activity I do in Microsoft Teams is chat with other people. And I find it especially helpful to be able to chat with colleagues during a Teams meeting. A group chat is created automatically ...
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