rows/columns, 86
conditional formatting, 91-94
freezing rows/columns, 78-80
page setup options, 87-89
formulas, 29. See also functions
copying/pasting, 31-36
defined, 27
editing, 24
error-checking, 14
functions in, 20, 27-29, 62
ranges in, 53-54
setting options, 14
typing, 24
freezing rows/columns, 78-80
ftp programs, 128
Function Wizard, 67-68
functions, 29. See also formulas
for dates/times, 71-74
Function Wizard, 60-62, 67-68
list of, 63
in formulas, 62
Sum, 29-30
typing, 63-65
Go To dialog box, 25
grand totals. See totals
background images, changing, 89
inserting in worksheets, 113-114, 117
graphs. See charts
gridlines, printing, 89, 130
headers, 87
headings, centering, 84-86
hidden cell ranges, 145
Hour() function, 73
images. See graphics
database data, 138-141
defined, 126
worksheet data, 126-128
Insert dialog box, 37
Insert Function dialog box, 67-68
Insert Picture dialog box, 113
cells, 37
clip art, 114, 117
columns, 36-37
comments in cells, 89-91
graphics, 113-114, 117
rows, 37
SmartArt, 10, 117
insertion point, 25
integers, 60
integrity of data. See data integrity
Internet-based worksheets, referencing, 70
justification, 24
keyboard shortcuts, 26

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