Concluding remarks
In this book, the thought-problem of designing a highly functional, micron-scale electronic system has
been explored in the context of possible in vivo applications in the human body. The idea of designing
this nanomorphic system, although insp ired by the continued scaling of feature sizes of transistors and
memory elements in integrated circuit technology, extends the scaling concept in at least two ways.
First, additional components of the nanomorphic cell such as energy sources, sensors and commu-
nication systems must also be scaled into micron or submicron dimensions. This property of the
nanomorphic cell has a relation to system-on-a-chip technology but with an increased emphasis on the
variety of components that must be scaled and assembled into an integrated system. A second
differentiation from classical integrated circuit technology is the physical size of the nanomorphic
system and the implied fabrication technology. In the integrated circuit case, the systems have
dimensions on the order of centimeters; much larger than the micron-scale dimensions of the nano-
morphic cell.
One of the encouraging findings in the book is the degree of support for realization of the nano-
morphic cell provided by the continued scaling of logic and memory elements. It appears that thou-
sands of logic and memory elements could be integrated into the 10 micron nanomorphic cell if scaled
device feature sizes in the far submicron regime are achieved by the industry as planned. Such devices
are projected to be available in the 2020 timeframe by the International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors. Moreover, it is expected that these devices will become more energy efficient in their
operation as a result of continued feature size scaling. (1) Nevertheless, there is a continuing need to
dramatically decrease device switching energy over the best scaled projections in order to reduce
demands on energy use for computation and sensing.
One clear implication of the topics addressed in this book is that the nanomorphic cell must
perform its functions at the extremes of energy efficiency. Only micro joules are likely to be available
from energy sources in the small volume of the nanomorphic cell and this energy must support all cell
functions. The examination of potential energy sources given in Chapter 2 emphasized the limits
attainable for energy per unit volume and energy per unit mass for a variety of energy sources
including the super capacitor, the fuel cel l, radio-isotope sources, and various energy-harvesting
techniques. Each of these energy sources occupies a different location in the power–energy space. In
vivo energy harvesting is an appealing idea since operation of the nanomorphic cell could be extended
for a considerable period of time. However, it appea rs that only a miniscule amount of energy could be
captured by most of the known techniques and that this would need to be converted into a form for use
by the nanomorphic cell. However, conditioning of the harvested energy would require utilization of
some of the very limited volume of the cell. The galvanic cell was chosen as a model energy source in
the book but even if all of the 10 micron cube volume is devoted to the galvanic cell, only about one
micro joule of energy could be stored. (2) The need for an adequate supply of energy to support the
necessary functions of the nanomorphic cell is a possible show-stopper and creative solutions are
Microsystems for Bioelectronics the Nanomorphic Cell
Copyright Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

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