Summary Tables

Questionnaire Variable Descriptions

X1–X7 Role in organization
X10–X24 Time spent on different tasks
X28–X32 Accountabilities and responsibilities
X33–X41 Management systems of programs and/or portfolios
X42–X47 Use of program and portfolio management
X48–X50 Portfolio’s annual plan achievement
X51–X53 Program’s annual plan achievements
X54–X56 Project’s annual plan achievements
X57–X60 Market changes
X61–X66 Demographics
X68 Internal/external projects
X69–X80 External projects’ TCE
X81–X91 Internal projects’ TCE
X92–X105 Classification of projects
X106–X122 Internal environment
X123–X141 External environment

Computed variables

X61c–X66c Demographics
X143–X150 Transaction Cost ...

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