© Iris Classon 2019
I. ClassonMigrating ASP.NET Microservices to ASP.NET Corehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4327-5_4

4. Phase 2: Planning the Architecture

Iris Classon1 
29 Gothenburg, Sweden

Before we start migrating, it’s worth spending some time planning the migration based on what we learned from the analysis we did. Having a plan will save us time, and pain. You certainly don’t want to embark on a large migration only to realize halfway through that the approach was wrong and that it’s not going to work. Based on my experience, I almost always recommend a gradual migration, but there are cases where a full migration might work. In this chapter we are going to go through the decisions we need to make early on, before migrating.

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