© Radoslava Leseva Adams and Hristo Lesev 2016

Radoslava Leseva Adams and Hristo Lesev, Migrating to Swift from Flash and ActionScript, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1666-8_23

23. Releasing Your App in the App Store

Radoslava Leseva Adams and Hristo Lesev2

(1)London, UK

(2)Kazanlak, Bulgaria

A book on iOS development would not be complete without an overview of the process of releasing your app. Being able to share it with users is the main goal of developing a mobile app, after all. Apple’s release process evolves and changes all the time, so it is important to keep in mind that by the time you read this some of the screens we show may have changed. The main ideas behind this multistep process come from the desire to ensure quality and security for the apps ...

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