11Nail your first offer and program

My goal for you is that by the time you have completed the last chapter of this book you'll know exactly what your first course is going to be and will be ready to launch it out into the world. Your first signature program will draw on what you're best at. You have already established what that is. Now we're going to package it into a saleable product and price it. If it hasn't already, impostor syndrome may arise here. In this chapter we'll attempt to put a value on the knowledge you have and the results you can achieve for people, and that will bring up all kinds of psychological issues.

I wrote a lot about impostor syndrome in my last book, One Life, so I won't go into detail here, other than to note that it can be a major obstacle to turning your dreams into reality. Every businessperson is a salesperson. You have to sell your products to make money, and when you are the product it can feel a lot more personal than it actually is. Invest time in books and programs that can help you to push past feelings of self-doubt and work on your mindset, so you can help yourself rather than holding yourself back. Many external factors can contribute to frustrating your efforts, but more often than not mindset issues and self-sabotage play a role. No one is immune to it. Every time you level up in your business, you will be presented with a new mental barrier to overcome.

Launching one course is a very manageable goal. If you focus on just doing this ...

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