24Design life your way

Hands down the greatest gift of your online course business (other than its scalability) is your ability to work from wherever you want in the world. I've run coaching calls from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia and from a beachside shack on the island of Madagascar. Now I do it from a purpose-built pink cottage on our property that I made into my office.

You can design your way of work however you want. If you want to go to an office every day, you can rent one or share a co-working space. If you want to work from home, you can do that. If you want to travel, you can do it from the back of your van as you journey across the country. The internet is accessible pretty much everywhere now. All you need is your filming equipment, a laptop and wifi and you're good to go.

Over a decade ago, Tim Ferriss wrote one of my absolute favourite books, The 4-Hour Workweek, where he floated the idea of running a sustainable business that gives you a regular income while you vagabond around the world. It lit such a fire in me that I've been living partly nomadically ever since.

To me, it makes zero sense to spend hours every day commuting to the office. The only advantage of offices is the social connection, but you can get that outside of your work so easily. If you commute to an office 30 minutes from your home, that's 120 hours a year that you're losing on your commute. That's crazy! That's 12 whole days of waking hours that you get back when you remove the commute. You ...

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