List of Symbols

(·)[n, k] The indices indicating the kth subcarrier of the nth OFDM symbol
(·)T The transposition operation
(·)H Hermitian transpose
(·)* Complex conjugate
flast1_image001.jpg The imaginary component of a complex number
flast1_image002.jpg The real component of a complex number
flast1_image003.jpg Imaginary part of a complex value
flast1_image004.jpg Mutual information
π The ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter
R{·} Real part of a complex value
exp(·) The exponential operation
A(l) The remaining user set for the lth iteration of the subcarrier-to-user assignment process
AT Matrix/vector transpose
AH Matrix/vector hermitian adjoint, i.e. complex conjugate transpose
A* Matrix/vector/scalar complex conjugate
A−1 Matrix inverse
A+ Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse
tr(A) Trace of matrix, i.e. the sum of its diagonal elements
αP The user load of an L-user and P-receiver conventional SDMA system
BT The overall system throughput in bits per OFDM symbol
(ice, idet, idec) Number of (channel estimation, detection, decoding) ...

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