Chapter 13

Week 6: Developing Intention


Acknowledging your true self and your progress

Finding a balance between life and work

Discovering kinder ways to manage yourself and be kind to others

Developing mindfulness as part of your daily routine

Week 6 is the final week of your WorkplaceMT training. It begins by focusing on consolidating learning before moving on to evaluating how you live and work and developing an intention to live your life in a way that’s happier, healthier, more productive and better for those around you. It’s also a reminder that however driven and outcome-focused you may be, self-kindness coupled with improved self-management are key.

Over the last six weeks you have been invited to explore and apply a number of mindfulness principles.

Week 1 helped you to recognize just how much of your life is spent on autopilot. Over the weeks via your formal and informal mindfulness exercises, you have started to observe your habitual thinking patterns and have possibly taken action to change some that are not serving you well.

Week 2 invited you to start observing the mind-body connection, with an emphasis on its impacts on your work. You may have seen patterns emerging, such as your tendency to hold tension in certain areas of your body when you are under excessive pressure. You may have started to tune into your body, listening to the messages it’s sending you to take better care of yourself, allowing you to maintain peak performance for longer.

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