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Guided meditations for the course and other mindfulness resources can be found at the following locations:

  • This is the website that contains information regarding my book, mindfulness training, speaking, and executive coaching. You will also find all referenced guided audio tracks labeled in accordance with the meditation titles in the book.

Insight Timer App

  • The mindfulness exercises outlined in this book can be accessed via this free app by following these directions:
    1. Download and install Insight Timer. You will be required to create an account, but you do not need to sign up for any paid subscriptions to use Insight Timer. The app can be downloaded directly from your phone's app store. If you have trouble finding the app, go to for additional instructions for obtaining the app.
    2. Once downloaded, launch the app and sign up with an email account. You do not need a premium (members plus) account.
    3. Click the search icon and search for “Clif Smith” and you will find my teacher profile.
    4. Click the “follow” icon and you will have free access to all the guided meditations for the course in this book.


  • SoundCloud is a music and audio platform where I also host guided mindfulness meditation practice audio files. The ...

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