
If you’re reading this book there’s a good chance you’re one of two people – a parent, wanting to learn more about what your kids are doing in Minecraft, or a teen or pre-teen wanting to have a quick reference to learn every little recipe you can get your hands on within the vast world of Minecraft. This book is for both of you!

Minecraft, or as Jesse calls it, “Virtual LEGOs,” are the building blocks of the new generation. From geology to construction to mining to gardening, and even electricity, programming, and logic, Minecraft will teach you (if you’re in the pre-teen crowd), or your children (if you’re the parent) all sorts of things as you explore this mystical universe.

Minecraft is all about exploring. The more you explore, the more you discover. It’s our hope that as you explore this book, you’ll also discover many new things you can try in the incredible world of Minecraft!

About This Book

From Jesse (Thomas’s Dad):

When I was 10 years old I took a programming course in the summer that changed my life. I was enamored by the ability to make things on the screen, and watch them perform, as I told them to perform. I started reading articles in the 3-2-1 Contact magazine I got every month and trying out the programming examples I learned in the back, adapting, learning, and soon creating my own things.

This type of learning has gone away in our current school system and society. We just expect our kids to gain programming knowledge, and there are not many places ...

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