94 Mining Your Own Business in Telecoms Using DB2 Intelligent Miner for Data
could be the criteria you use to generate the probable churners list and compare
to the list generated by the data mining model. If you dont have a variable like
the contract expiration, then a randomly selected churners list could be used in
5.6 Interpreting the results
In the previous section we looked at the steps to follow to get our mining results,
using different prediction mining techniques. The
sixth stage in our generic
mining method
is to interpret the results that we have obtained and determine
how we can map them to our business. When you are first confronted with
results, the first question to ask is What does it all mean?. In this section we
describe how to understand and interpret the results from the different
5.6.1 Interpreting results from business perspective
The model was generated using decision tree, RBF and neural network
and compared using the gains chart. In the next section, we look into
the details from business perspective.
Decision Tree
The decision tree generates a tree model with a confusion matrix to see the
quality of the model, as shown in Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5 Confusion matrix
Chapter 5. Can you predict the customers who are likely to leave? 95
In this case, the overall error was 26.12% which means that:
򐂰 1053 customers are churners: 523 are correctly classified and 530 are not.
򐂰 2967 customer are not churners: 2447 are correctly classified and 520 are
򐂰 Overall 4020 customer: 1050 customers are incorrectly classified.
You can take an iterative process to improve the error rate of your tree model by
trying various subselections of your churn data model to build a tree and test it
using the test data set.
An acceptable error rate can be decided by verifying this model with other testing
data sets to see whether the error rate remains stable and also by your business
environment, for example, churn rate, and marketing campaign capacity.
In this case, actual churn rate is less than 5%, and as you can see the model
accuracy is 74% and accuracy among churners are up to 50% (1053 versus
523). Using the test data set, the error rate goes up slightly; however, the rate is
stable in several test data sets.
Graphical results of the tree model are displayed in Figure 5-6.
96 Mining Your Own Business in Telecoms Using DB2 Intelligent Miner for Data
Figure 5-6 Decision tree
Tree starts from the top and branches until it gets an optimum classification
result. There are leaf nodes at the bottom when it reaches to the optimum level
and have the customers who are classified by same rules.
Through the tree-like visualization of decision tree, you can see the classification
rules for the each leaf node and what most important variables are to build up a
rule. As you can see in Figure 5-6, OUTSPHERE is considered to be the most
important variable and then HANDSET, CUSTOMER RATE and so on, because
those variables are likely to appear in the top part of the tree.
Now, as an example, take a look at one leaf node which is classified as non
churners. As shown in Figure 5-7, according to the displayed rule, these are the
customers who are:
򐂰 Using three or more different call numbers for outbound calls (OUTSPHERE)
򐂰 Having an old model type of handset (HANDSET)
Chapter 5. Can you predict the customers who are likely to leave? 97
򐂰 Having either no contract obligation period from the beginning, or contract not
expired yet (CONTRACT_DUR).
򐂰 Having a high call success rate (CALL QUALITY)
This leaf node has 81.3% purity.
You can see on the HANDSET node in the tree, they have one node branching
left which has mostly non churners. These are customers using three or more
phone numbers for outbound; however, if their handset is new (HANDSET), then
they are more likely to stay in the company. This rule has 91.6% purity.
Figure 5-7 Decision tree with rule for non-churners
The decision tree for the churners is shown as an example in Figure 5-8.
According to the displayed rule, these are the customers whose first three rules
are the same as the non churners with the following differences:
򐂰 Low or medium call success rate

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