94 Mining Your Own Business in Telecoms Using DB2 Intelligent Miner for Data
could be the criteria you use to generate the probable churners list and compare
to the list generated by the data mining model. If you don’t have a variable like
the contract expiration, then a randomly selected churners list could be used in
5.6 Interpreting the results
In the previous section we looked at the steps to follow to get our mining results,
using different prediction mining techniques. The
sixth stage in our generic
mining method
is to interpret the results that we have obtained and determine
how we can map them to our business. When you are first confronted with
results, the first question to ask is “What does it all mean?”. In this section we
describe how to understand and interpret the results from the different
5.6.1 Interpreting results from business perspective
The model was generated using decision tree, RBF and neural network
and compared using the gains chart. In the next section, we look into
the details from business perspective.
Decision Tree
The decision tree generates a tree model with a confusion matrix to see the
quality of the model, as shown in Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5 Confusion matrix