Chapter 15
Top Ten Mobile Security Vendors
In This Chapter
Exploring leading mobile security and device management solutions
Figuring out where to look for more research
If you’ve followed along so far, we’ve explored the nuts and bolts of what makes up mobile device security. Now we look at some leading solutions available in the market. These are potential candidates for you to research and consider deploying in your organization.
The mobile device landscape is evolving rapidly, thanks to new devices hitting the market virtually every week. Therefore the vendor solutions we describe in this chapter are expected to evolve just as rapidly to keep in sync with the latest market trends. Be sure to research each solution from the corresponding vendor’s website and, ideally, follow up with a trial of the software.
The solutions we describe in this chapter are in alphabetical order, and not necessarily in order of merit or authors’ recommendation.
AirWatch has a broad solution spanning the Apple iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, and Symbian platforms. Its solution covers a broad array of mobile device management features. If you’re looking for a centralized management solution to configure and deploy policies for all five of these device platforms, ...