In this chapter, we gave an overview of routing approaches in MANET and analyzed the existing secure MANET routing proposals. We noted that most of these proposals do not mitigate against selfish or malicious entities that selectively drop packets they agreed to foreword. We categorized the proposals that attempt to mitigate against these adversarial activities into three categories: trust-based routing schemes, incentive-based schemes, and schemes that employ detection and isolation mechanisms. We argued that trust-based routing schemes are susceptible to adversarial exploits because they either require group secret keys to enforce trust-level requirements, they do not provide protection against malicious accusation attacks, or they can be thwarted by dropping the trust query messages. Next, we highlighted the point that the incentive-based schemes either require tamper-resistant hardware module or they require online access to a centralized entity. Owing to these requirements, the incentive-based schemes are limited in their applications. Regarding the schemes that employs detection and isolation mechanisms, we asserted that these schemes are inadequate for the various reasons outlined in Section 16.3.4. Finally, we concluded from the review and analysis of the existing MANET secure routing proposals that there are needs for secure routing schemes that adequately mitigate against selfishness and selective packet dropping in MANETs.

As a contribution to this endeavor, ...

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