Chapter 3: A Crash Course in Mobile Phones and What They Can Do

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: CMOs and marketing types, you don’t need to be a tech person to run a successful mobile marketing campaign. But that doesn’t mean you can be a Luddite. Can’t code? That’s fine. Can’t send a text? That’s a bit more of a problem. image In this chapter, we’re going to go over the main functions that today’s mobile phones can support. You may be surprised to learn that it’s a lot more than browsing the web, using apps, and getting directions. image These features can be the building blocks of your mobile marketing presence. Each is a powerful storytelling and communication tool on its own. Together, they can also be combined for almost limitless creative possibilities. Even non-smartphones have some, if not all of these capabilities, further extending the scale and reach you’re able to attain. image Without getting too technical, we now present to you: your phone, the stuff inside it, and what you can do with it.


Just a few years ago, having a camera built into your mobile phone was something special. There were mobile phones and then there were cameraphones or videophones. Now everything ...

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