Chapter 16. Ten Mobile Marketing Resources
In This Chapter
Keeping up with industry trends and standards
Complying with current (and future) laws and regulations
Staying on top of advancements in technology
Mobile marketing standards and technology are rapidly changing, so it's almost guaranteed that the mobile marketing strategies tactics of today will need to adapt over time. Moreover, more and more people are coming up with new and exciting ways to use all the capabilities with mobile — innovation is occurring on an exponential scale. You can also expect that with all this change, you'll need to keep track of new laws, best practices, and industry regulations.
The following list of ten mobile marketing resources can help you keep up with trends and advancements so you can keep your marketing on track and compliant with the entire mobile marketing ecosystem, now and in the future.
In addition to the list of organizations and players in this chapter that are on the top of their game when it comes to mobile marketing, you can also find a host of other great resources by searching on the Internet.
The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA)
The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA, at
) is a global association with headquarters in New York that focuses on developing and promoting the mobile marketing industry, educating the market players about mobile marketing, measuring the industry, providing best practices in metrics, guiding the industry through the thought-leadership of ...
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