
Appendix A SMS Tp-pid Values for Telematic Interworking

For enabling SMS interworking with various telematic devices, the following set of protocol identifiers (TP-Protocol-Identifier) can be used:

Table A.1 Protocol identifiers for telematic interworking

TP-PID value (hex) Description
0x20 Type of telematic device is defined by the message destination or originator address.
0x21 Telex (or teletex reduced to telex format).
0x22 Group 3 telefax.
0x23 Group 4 telefax.
0x24 Voice telephone (i.e. conversion to speech).
0x25 European Radio Messaging System (ERMES).
0x26 National paging system (type known to the service center).
0x27 Videotext such as T.100 or T101.
0x28 Teletex, carrier unspecified.
0x29 Teletex, in PSPDN.
0x2A Teletex, in CSPDN.
0x2B Teletex, in analog PSTN.
0x2C Teletex, in digital ISDN.
0x2D Universal Computer Interface (UCI).
0x2E. . .0x2F Reserved (2 values).
0x30 Message handling facility (type known to the service center).
0x31 Public X.400-based message handling system.
0x32 Internet electronic mail (see section).
0x33. . .0x37 Reserved (5 values).
0x38. . .0x3E SC specific use (7 values).
0x3F GSM or UMTS mobile station. The SMSC converts the short message into a coding scheme which is understandable by the GSM/UMTS mobile station.

Appendix B SMS–numeric and Alphanumeric Representations

Various numeric values can be assigned to the parameters of an SMS TPDU. In this context, numeric values can be ...

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