Chapter 7

Random Trip Models

In this chapter, we will present and analyze the properties of a class of mobility models introduced in Le Boudec and Vojnovic (2006) called random trip models. This class of mobility models is very general, and includes most of the mobility models described in the previous chapters such as random walks and random waypoint, as well as many mobility models which will be described in forthcoming chapters. The importance of the class of random trip models lies in the fact that, if a mobility model is proved to belong to this class, fundamental model properties such as the existence and characterization of a stationary regime can be established based on the framework developed for the general class of random trip mobility models.

In what follows, we will first formally define the class of random trip mobility models, and present theoretical results derived by Le Boudec and Vojnovic (2006) concerning the existence and characterization of the stationary regime for a random trip mobility model. We will then conclude the chapter with specific instances of mobility models belonging to this general class.

7.1 The Class of Random Trip Models

Informally, a random trip is a model of random, independent node movements. Note that the requirement of independent movements implies that group mobility models do not belong to the class of random trip models. Formally speaking, the random trip model is defined by the notions of domain, phase, path, and trip, and by the ...

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