10Model-Based Requirements Engineering and Use Case Analysis

The requirements engineering and use case analysis is not part of the system architect's activities. However, the architect has close interfaces to the requirements engineering discipline, for example, when working with functional architectures (Chapter 17). This chapter gives a brief description of requirements engineering and use case analysis. For a more detailed description, we recommend a common book about requirements engineering, for example, Robertson and Robertson [209].

In Section 10.1, we define the most important requirements and use case terms. Then, we present in Section 10.2 the requirements and use case analysis methodology steps of the “Systems Modeling Toolbox” (SYSMOD) [267]. The SYSMOD methodology defines common methods and is not specific to any modeling tool. Finally, we take a look at two related methods. Section 10.3 covers the Storyboard Activity Modeling for Systems (SAMS) method that provides an illustrative approach to identify use case activities with stakeholders. Section 10.4 presents the Use Case 2.0 approach that works well with agile frameworks (see also Chapter 16).

10.1 Requirement and Use Case Definitions

Figure 10.1 depicts the requirement terms, and Figure 10.2 the use case terms we use in this book. Of course, the requirements engineering and use case analysis domain have much more terms, but they are out-of-scope of this book.

Figure 10.1 Requirement ontology.

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