Chapter 22Toward a Research Agenda for M&S Support of System of Systems Engineering

Andreas Tolk1 and Larry B. Rainey2

1 SimIS Inc., Portsmouth, VA, USA

2 Integrity Systems and Solutions, LLC, Colorado Springs, CO, USA


As with many other fields, System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) started in many different fields and application domains. Prior to the formalization of the discipline, there was no common body of knowledge (BoK). Because academic documentation in the form of curricula and documentation of professional domains of interests in the form of a BoK must go hand in hand, a solid body of research and education of the workforce was not possible in years past without first an understanding of and consensus on a common foundation. This challenge was not new. In October 2006, a workshop on establishing a research agenda on system of systems architecting was conducted (Valerdi et al., 2008). Thirteen total participants representing commercial, defense, and academia were present. From the commercial sector, companies such as Bosch, Intelligent Systems Technology, and Motorola were present. From the defense sector, companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing were in attendance. And from academia, the University of South California and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were represented. All 13 participants convened for a daylong workshop of brainstorming and consensus building. At the end of the workshop, the ...

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