How to do it...

To provide mutable and constant random access iterators for the dummy_array class shown in the previous section, add the following members to the class:

  • An iterator class template, which is parameterized with the type of elements and the size of the array. The class must have the following public typedefs that define standard synonyms:
        template <typename T, size_t const Size>        class dummy_array_iterator        {        public:          typedef dummy_array_iterator            self_type;          typedef T                               value_type;          typedef T&                              reference;          typedef T*                              pointer;          typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;          typedef ptrdiff_t                       difference_type;        };
  • Private members for the iterator class: a pointer to the array data and a current index into the array:
 private: ...

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