Spying to Sense Using a Member Variable

We decide we want to first ensure that the code properly calculates totalSeconds, a value sent to the descriptor. (We might not need to add this test if we’re not going to make changes to writeSnippet. The test exists here to demonstrate a specific technique.)

TEST_GROUP(WavReader_WriteSnippet) {
WavReader reader{​""​,​""​};
istringstream input{​""​};
FormatSubchunk formatSubchunk;
ostringstream output;
DataChunk dataChunk;
char​* data;
uint32_t TwoBytesWorthOfBits{2 * 8};
void​ setup() override {
data = ​new​ ​char​[4];
void​ teardown() override {
delete​[] data;
TEST(WavReader_WriteSnippet, UpdatesTotalSeconds) {
dataChunk.length ...

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