

ABEL 428
Absolute addressing 177–78
Absolute pressure 300
Absorbed glass mat (AGM) 375
Accelerometers 315–24
capacitative sensors 316–18
components 318–20
piezoresistive sensors 315–16
principles 315
signal conditioning 320–21
Accumulator 165
Accumulator-based microprocessors 168, 170
Actual capacity, battery 370
Address generation units (AGUs) 215, 217–20
Addressing modes 
absolute addressing 177–78
bit-reversed addressing 213–15
circular addressing 212–13
defined 176
digital signal processors 211–15
immediate addressing 172
implied addressing 176
index addressing 179–80
indirect addressing 180
microprocessors 175–81
modulo addressing 213
relative addressing 178–79
zero page addressing 177
Address strobe (AS) 162–63
ADSP-2100 220 ...

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