© Holger Schwichtenberg 2018
Holger SchwichtenbergModern Data Access with Entity Framework Core https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3552-2_8

8. Reading Data with LINQ

Holger Schwichtenberg1 
Essen, Germany

Like the classic Entity Framework, Entity Framework Core allows you to write database queries with Language Integrated Query (LINQ).

LINQ is a common query language for different data stores introduced in 2007 in .NET Framework 3.5; it also exists in .NET Core as well as Mono and Xamarin. Microsoft has used LINQ since the beginning in the classic Entity Framework, where it’s implemented as LINQ to Entities. Microsoft no longer uses this term in Entity Framework Core; it’s just called LINQ. There are some positive and negative differences in LINQ ...

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