© Ryan Lanciaux 2021
R. LanciauxModern Front-end Architecturehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6625-0_10

10. Communicating Our Components

Ryan Lanciaux1  
Ann Arbor, MI, USA

So far, we’ve mostly been focused on strategies to make developing our applications more straightforward. Success in software development hinges on much more than merely writing good code, however. Projects can be a win or a loss, depending on how well people communicate. Thankfully, Storybook helps us here too.

As you may have guessed, Storybook helps us communicate with other developers which components exist in a codebase. How many projects have you been on where the same component or snippet of code lived in many places, simply because a developer had no idea the functionality ...

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