© Ryan Lanciaux 2021
R. LanciauxModern Front-end Architecturehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6625-0_6

6. Ensuring the Quality of Our Components

Ryan Lanciaux1  
Ann Arbor, MI, USA

So far, we’ve built our components in isolation and have tested them for quality manually through Storybook. We’ve verified that our code is working by running our components directly through Storybook, but there are other techniques we may want to apply to ensure that we’re providing a quality codebase. Can you imagine checking every component in a web app before every release?

Unit Tests

Storybook is an excellent workspace for our components. So far, it’s also served as the primary method of ensuring our components are working as expected. This works great for our ...

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