Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

Video description

This is a front to back JavaScript course for absolutely everybody. We start with the basic fundamentals and work our way to advanced programming without relying on frameworks or libraries at all. You will learn a ton of pure JavaScript, whether you are a beginner or an established JS programmer. There is something for everyone.Topics included: - Basics and Fundamentals: Data types, let and const variables, functions, conditionals, loops, object literals, arrays, and so on. DOM Manipulation: Selectors, traversing the DOM, show/hide, creating and removing elements, event listeners OOP: ES5 prototypes, inheritance, ES2015 classes and sub-classes, constructors. Async JS: Ajax and XHR, Fetch API, callbacks, promises, async / await. ES2015+: Arrow functions, template strings, generators, iterators, maps and sets, symbols and more. JavaScript Patterns: Module, Factory, State, Observer, Mediator, SingletonOther: Local and session storage, regular expressions, try/catch error handling. 10 projects of all kinds.

What You Will Learn

  • Modular learning sections and 10 real-world projects with pure JavaScript
  • Master the DOM (document object model) WITHOUT jQuery
  • Asynchronous programming with Ajax, Fetch API, Promises, and Async / Await
  • OOP including ES5 prototypes and ES2015 classes
  • Learn JavaScript Patterns
  • Regular expressions, error handling, localStorage and more


People that want to learn modern JavaScript from beginner to advanced without libraries and frameworks

About The Author

Brad Traversy: Brad Traversy has been programming for around 12 years and teaching for almost 5 years. He is the owner of Traversy Media, which is a successful web development YouTube channel and specializes in everything from HTML5 to front-end frameworks such as Angular as well as server-side technologies such as Node.js, PHP, and Python. Brad has mastered explaining overly complex topics in a simple manner that is understandable. Invest in your knowledge by watching Brad’s courses.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Intro Getting Started
    1. Welcome To the Course
    2. Project Files Questions
    3. Visual Studio Code Setup
  2. Chapter 2 : JavaScript Language Fundamentals
    1. Section Intro File Setup
    2. Using the Console
    3. Variables - var, let const
    4. Data Types in JavaScript
    5. Type Conversion
    6. Numbers the Math Object
    7. String Methods Concatenation
    8. Template Literals
    9. Arrays Array Methods
    10. Object Literals
    11. Dates Times
    12. If Statements Comparison Operators
    13. Switches
    14. Function Declarations Expressions
    15. General Loops
    16. A Look at the Window Object
    17. Block Scope With let const
  3. Chapter 3 : DOM Manipulation Events
    1. What Is The DOM?
    2. Examining the Document Object
    3. DOM Selectors for Single Elements
    4. DOM Selectors for Multiple Elements
    5. Traversing the DOM
    6. Creating Elements
    7. Removing Replacing Elements
    8. Event Listeners the Event Object
    9. Mouse Events
    10. Keyboard Input Events
    11. Event Bubbling Delegation
    12. Local Session Storage
  4. Chapter 4 : DOM Projects
    1. Task List [Part 1] - UI Add Task Items
    2. Task List [Part 2] - Delete Filter Tasks
    3. Task List [Part 3] - Persist To Local Storage
    4. Loan Calculator [Part 1] - Build the UI
    5. Loan Calculator [Part 2] - Calculate Error
    6. Loan Calculator [Part 3] - Loader User Experience
    7. Number Guesser [Part 1] - Build the UI
    8. Number Guesser [Part 2] - Validation Winning Case
    9. Number Guesser [Part 3] - Lose Case Game Over
    10. Number Guesser [Part 4] - Play Again
  5. Chapter 5 : Object Oriented JavaScript - ES5 ES2015
    1. Constructors the 'this' Keyword
    2. Built In Constructors
    3. Prototypes Explained
    4. Prototypal Inheritance
    5. Using Object.create
    6. ES6 Classes
    7. Sub Classes
  6. Chapter 6 : OOP Book List Project
    1. Build the Book List UI
    2. Add Book to List
    3. Validation Alert
    4. Delete Book from List
    5. Convert to ES6 Classes
    6. Bonus - Add Local Storage
  7. Chapter 7 : Asynchronous JavaScript, Ajax Fetch API
    1. What Is Asynchronous Programming?
    2. Ajax XHR Introduction
    3. XHR Object Methods Working with Text
    4. Working With Ajax JSON
    5. Data from an External API - Chuck Norris Project
    6. REST APIs HTTP Requests
    7. Callback Functions
    8. Custom HTTP Library (Ajax with Callbacks) - Part 1
    9. Custom HTTP Library (Ajax with Callbacks) - Part 2
    10. ES6 Promises
    11. The Fetch API
    12. Arrow Functions
    13. Custom HTTP Library (Fetch with Promises) - Part 3
    14. Async Await
    15. Custom HTTP Library (Fetch with Async Await) - Part 4
  8. Chapter 8 : API Projects
    1. Github Finder [Part 1] - Intro UI
    2. Github Finder [Part 2] - Fetching Profile Data
    3. Github Finder [Part 3] - Display the Profile
    4. Github Finder [Part 4] - Show Alert Message
    5. Github Finder [Part 5] - Fetch Display Repos
    6. WeatherJS [Part 1] - Intro UI
    7. WeatherJS [Part 2] - Fetch Weather from API
    8. WeatherJS [Part 3] - Display the Weather
    9. WeatherJS [Part 4] - Save Location to Local Storage
  9. Chapter 9 : Error Handling Regular Expressions
    1. Error Handling with Try...Catch
    2. Regular Expressions [Part 1] - Evaluation Functions
    3. Regular Expressions [Part 2] - Metacharacter Symbols
    4. Regular Expressions [Part 3] - Character Sets Quantifiers
    5. Regular Expressions [Part 4] - Shorthand Character Classes
    6. Regular Expressions - Form Validation Project
  10. Chapter 10 : Other Newer Features - ES2015+
    1. Iterators Generators
    2. Profile Scroller - Iterator Mini Project
    3. Symbols
    4. Destructuring
    5. ES6 Maps
    6. ES6 Sets
  11. Chapter 11 : JavaScript Patterns
    1. What Are Patterns?
    2. Module Revealing Module Pattern
    3. Singleton Pattern
    4. Factory Pattern
    5. Observer Pattern
    6. Mediator Pattern
    7. State Pattern - Small Project
  12. Chapter 12 : Tracalorie Project (Using the Module Pattern)
    1. Project Introduction
    2. Creating the UI With Materialize CSS
    3. Controllers Data Structure
    4. Get Populate Items
    5. Add Item to Data Structure
    6. Add Item to the UI
    7. Add Total Calories
    8. Working With the Edit State
    9. Updating Items Total Calories
    10. Delete Clear Items
    11. Add Get From Local Storage
    12. Delete Clear from Local Storage
  13. Chapter 13 : Microposts Project - CRUD Front End (Webpack Babel)
    1. Babel Webpack Environment Setup
    2. Intro to ES2015 Modules
    3. Create the UI
    4. Create a fake REST API Using JSON Server
    5. Get Display Posts
    6. Add Posts Show Alert
    7. Post Edit State Update [1]
    8. Post Edit State Update [2]
  14. Chapter 14 : Wrap Up
    1. Wrap Up Where to Go From Here

Product information

  • Title: Modern JavaScript From The Beginning
  • Author(s): Brad Traversy
  • Release date: May 2018
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781789539509