
3-D-Canvas 169

-controls 251

-ms--Präfix 266

-webkit-device-pixel-ratio 60

-webkit-Präfix 263, 264, 265

:disabled-Pseudoklasse 195

:indeterminate 195

:invalid-Selektor 194

:out-of-range 195

:read-only 195

:read-write 195

:target 159

:valid-Selektor 194

@import-Regel 52

@supports-Regel 251

@viewport-Regel 63, 262


Abmessungen des Viewports 53

Aboutness 38

Accessible Rich Internet

Applications 35

Achsen 134

Adaptives Webdesign 67

addEventListener()-Methode 112, 112, 263

add()-Methode 119

Adobe Edge Inspect 27

Akkuladezustand 139

align-items-Eigenschaft 93

Almost Standards Mode 19

Android 4

Anonyme Funktionen 112

Apache Cordova 222


AppCache 229

Battery Status 264

canvas 165

Constraint Validation 191

Datenattribute 46

Drag and Drop

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