94 Modernizing IBM Eserver iSeries Application Data Acess - A Roadmap Cornerstone
C Return
7.7 Static SQL without cursor
Because the use of SQL-described tables and views in native I/O has some restrictions (that
is, they cannot be sorted), we must look for an alternate method.
With static and dynamic SQL you can embed SQL statements into your source code.
In static SQL, the statement is determined at compile time. All SQL scalar functions can be
used in the embedded SQL statements. You can integrate host variables, which are set at
runtime. The syntax is checked by the precompiler and then the SQL statements are replaced
by adequate function calls.
Static SQL is commonly used in these ways:
򐂰 To return one single row from a select statement into host variables
򐂰 To insert, update, or delete several rows using one single SQL statement
򐂰 For other actions such as:
To declare global temporary tables
To create and drop temporary aliases
To grant temporary privileges
To set path or set schema
7.7.1 Static SQL returning a single row
If the result of an SQL statement will be only one row, it can be directly returned into host
variables in one of the following manners:
򐂰 SET HostVariable = SELECT ...
The SELECT INTO statement produces a result table consisting of at most one row, and
assigns the values in that row to host variables.
򐂰 If a single row is returned, SQLCODE is set to 0 or a value between 1 and 99, and the
appropriate values are assigned to the host variables.
򐂰 If the table is empty, the statement assigns +100 to SQLCODE and '02000' to
SQLSTATE. If you do not use indicator variables to detect NULL values, the host
variables are
not updated; otherwise NULL is returned.
򐂰 If the result consists of more than one row, SQLCODE -811 is returned, but the host
variables are updated with the results from the first row.
Example 7-17 shows how the total amount of an order is calculated and returned within a
SELECT ... INTO statement.
Example 7-17 Using SELECT ... INTO to retrieve summary values
D TotalDetail S 11P 2
C+ Select Sum(OrderDtl_Total)
C+ into :TotalDetail
C+ from Order_Detail
Chapter 7. Embedded SQL 95
C+ where Order_Number = '00020'
C TotalDetail Dsply
C Return
SET :HostVariable = (SELECT ... )
It is possible to fill host variables directly through a select statement. This can only be used
when the result consists only of one single record.
In contrast to the SELECT ... INTO statement, SQLCODE and SQLSTATE cannot be used to
check if a record is found. If no record is found, NULL values are returned by default. You
either have to use indicator variables to detect NULL values or an SQL scalar function like
COALESCE that converts the NULL value into a default.
If the result consists of more than one row, SQLCODE -811 is returned, but in contrast to the
SELECT ... INTO statement, the host variables are not updated.
The following example shows how the total amount of an order is calculated and returned
within a SET-Statement.
Example 7-18 Using the SET statement to retrieve summary values
D TotalDetail S 11P 2
C+ Set :TotalDetail = (Select Sum(OrderDtl_Total)
C+ from Order_Detail
C+ where Order_Number = '00020')
C TotalDetail Dsply
C Return
7.7.2 Processing non-Select statements with static SQL without cursor
A 100 percent normalized database is a utopia. In most databases you will find a certain
degree of denormalization, which leads to some redundancies in the tables. Consequently,
you have to sometimes update several rows with the same value.
There are also other situations where you have to insert and delete a couple of rows. For
example, if you have to reorganize your tables. You write rows to history tables and delete the
original rows after.
In Example 7-20 on page 96, written with native I/O, all Order Header and corresponding
Order Detail rows with the order date of the previous year must be saved in history files and
deleted after.
The logical file over the Order Header file is described in Example 5-1 on page 60. The Order
Header history file ORDHDRH is created via CRTDUPOBJ from the Order Header File
(ORDHDR) described in Example 4-2 on page 36.
Example 7-19 on page 96 shows the DDS definition of the Order Detail file ORDDTL.

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