© Jarred Capellman, Louis Salin 2020
J. Capellman, L. SalinMonoGame Masteryhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6309-9_7

7. Audio

Jarred Capellman1  and Louis Salin1
Cedar Park, TX, USA

A game without audio is like a salad without any dressing. It is still edible, but it will not be very enjoyable. In just the same way, while our game would be playable without music and sound effects, it will be hard for players to get immersed into it and be emotionally involved. Think of all the epic boss fights that exist in most video games. Besides the amazing boss mechanics, they all had a soundtrack that fired up the fight or flight instincts of the player.

Music in a game exists to create emotions and set the tone of a particular level or scenario, just like ...

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