Using Moodle Surveys

The Moodle survey module includes a set of questions installed in Moodle; you can't use it to create your own surveys. Moodle developers took care to install prepared, standardized survey instruments for teachers to use. The questions have been designed for use with online learning environments particular for educational purposes. If you want to create your own surveys, you can use the quiz tool as a questionnaire, which I discuss in Chapter 11.

Choosing the right survey

Moodle offers three types of surveys. Counting slight variations, you have five options when choosing a survey:

  • Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey (COLLES): This survey is made up of 24 statements asking learners about how they think the course is relevant and useful to their studies. It asks learners to comment on the interactivity nature of the course and involvement of other learners and the instructor. Moodle splits the survey into three different types:
    • COLLES Actual: Ask learners how they're currently interacting with a course.
    • COLLES Preferred: Asks learners how they think they would like to interact with a course.
    • COLLES Preferred and Actual: Combination of the two with questions from both how they're currently interacting and how they would like to interact.
  • Attitudes to Thinking and Learning Survey (ATTLS): This survey is based on how learners interact in a collaborative environment and apply it to online learning. The survey aims to measure the interactive ...

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