Without a plan, there's no starting point. This chapter is about setting your objectives and goals, and getting clear on your processes. Your plan doesn't have to be perfect and will usually evolve as you move forward, but you want to make the best decisions you can with what you have available and go from there.
By now, you've read through the ways I've adapted my plans based on life events. I wanted to be an elite athlete and built my psyche around that being the only option for me. I gave it everything and eventually had to quit due to debilitating injuries. Rather than accept this and adapt, I fought against it, became depressed and abused alcohol to escape. This was a very unproductive and illogical approach. Then, I had no idea what I wanted to do but was faced with the challenge of having to overcome my fear of public speaking. Again, I was fighting against having to confront this fear and I can still remember so clearly vomiting beforehand. I also launched three companies simultaneously while still pursuing other endeavours, which wasn't impossible, but limited resources could only get me so far.
Initially, all of these experiences came at incredible personal, health and mental cost and I fought it every step of the way. But little did I know that being open to these experiences was paving the path for my future. And the experiences where I was open to change took off and led to new changes and experiences.
If you stick to your original ...
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