Chapter 1. Introduction 23
You should also look at the information accelerator layer, that includes such
added value as data models, profile models, schemas and policies for specific
industries. There are over 400 of these that are available, not just to IBM clients,
but also to IBM Business Partners.
Information on demand is really all about overcoming information complexity,
and about information enabling your business applications and business
processes. It enables you to optimize your information environment through IT
services management, and along with that, reduces the hardware cost through
autonomic and grid computing capabilities. The net result is that it builds added
value for you.
1.2.2 Moving to real-time
So what are some of the changes that moving to a real-time enterprise brings
with it. We have summarized some of them in the following list.
򐂰 Event driven: Rather than relying only on analysts to analyze you data and
take an action, processes need to be event driven. The events trigger action,
such as the development of real-time business intelligence through the use of
real-time analytics. Embedded, or in-line, analytics interact directly with the
business processes, triggered by alerts and based, for example, on key
performance indicators and business rules. There are also embedded data
mining techniques that can be directly invoked, as well as the direct
enablement of such capabilities as OLAP and the creation of components
such as data cubes for analysis.
򐂰 Rules-based: To enable event processing, and particularly an automated
response to an event action, there is a need for a rules-based environment.
These business rules can be accessed by analytic applications, for example,
for automated decision-making action. The rules base must be tightly
integrated with the business processes, and kept up to date. So, the rules
should be flexibly implemented so they can be easily changed or updated as
the business requirements change.
򐂰 Updating the data warehouse: Updates to the data warehouse have
historically been performed primarily in a batch mode. That is, the updates
are typically performed on a scheduled basis, such as nightly or weekly, with
a batch of transactions that have been collected over some period of time.
The requirement now is to perform those data warehouse updates in more of
a continuous streaming mode. That is, updates may need to flow to the data
warehouse in more of a continuous manner, soon after the transactions
occur. Of course, this will require changes to the business processes and the
IT support processes. It will also require changes to the ETL (extract,
transform, and load) environment.

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