SG24-7104-00 ISBN 0738494917
IBM Redbooks are developed by
the IBM International Technical
Support Organization. Experts
from IBM, Customers and
Partners from around the world
create timely technical
information based on realistic
scenarios. Specific
recommendations are provided
to help you implement IT
solutions more effectively in
your environment.
For more information:
Moving Forward
with the On Demand
Real-time Enterprise
Architecting the data
environment for
Modifying business
processes to support
continuous flow
Delivering business
intelligence, on
Having more, and more current, information is fast becoming a
requirement for business survival. The need permeates the
enterprise because it enables proactive decision-making for
problem avoidance, rather than reactive problem impact
minimization. And that is the key. Thus the need for, and focus on,
is real-time.
Companies no longer have the long strategic time-frames in which
to plan, design, and manage their business processes. Yearly
revenue goals and measurements are fast becoming quarterly goals
and measurements. Investors and share-holders are more
demanding. They are more critical, and less forgiving, of missed
performance goals. And these demands are coming at a time when
the volume of data is growing, there is an increase in business
mergers and acquisitions, the use of strategic outsourcing is
growing, and there is an increasing requirement for faster and
faster turnaround on information requests. This has put an
enormous burden on the information technology (IT) organizations.
And most of this change is centered around business intelligence,
because that is the environment responsible for providing
information for management decision-making.
This IBM Redbook explores the techniques and capabilities for
evolving to a real-time enterprise. It also demonstrates approaches
for that evolution and provides examples to help guide you in
developing your strategy and implementation methodology to
become a real-time enterprise.
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