Chapter 1. Introduction 27
IBM has a strategy, and the solution components, to enable you to get there. Are
you ready?
1.3 Contents abstract
In this section, we give a brief description of the topics presented in this IBM
Redbook and how they are organized. The information presented includes, as
examples, an overview of real-time, data warehousing, information integration,
and business intelligence. The focus, however, is on the combination of those
subjects. More precisely, it is on techniques for developing a real-time enterprise
that can enable real-time business intelligence.
We know our readers will be from varied backgrounds, have varied levels of
interest, and typically limited reading time. The abstracts provide enough
information to enable selection of those topics that are of most importance to
you. We hope you will find them all of a sufficient level of interest that you will be
enticed to read the entire book.
We start with a brief overview of the IBM Redbook contents, by chapter:
򐂰 Chapter 1- This introduction: Here we provide a high-level overview of the
real-time enterprise. It describes and positions terms such as real-time and
on demand, and summarizes some of the requirements and changes realized
in developing a real-time enterprise.
򐂰 Chapter 2 - The real-time enterprise: In this chapter we take a closer look at
the meaning of the real-time enterprise, address some of the technical
challenges for implementing such an environment, and then consider the
solution capabilities that IBM has to offer:
򐂰 Chapter 3 - Architectures for the real-time enterprise: In this chapter we
describe some key considerations, and some of the key component
functionality required, as you begin developing an architecture to support your
real-time enterprise. We also discuss the demands for the various
infrastructure technologies to support the real-time enterprise that are
available today. And lastly we look at some future trends and directions of the
initiative, and of the next generation of infrastructure components.
򐂰 Chapter 4 - Industry specific real-time enterprise examples: Here we discuss
businesses in a number of industry segments, their requirements for real-time
business intelligence, and their evolution towards becoming a real-time
򐂰 Chapter 5 - IBM technologies supporting the real-time enterprise: In this
chapter we introduce you to several IBM technologies and products that can
be used when developing your real-time enterprise. A number of these
28 Moving Forward with the On Demand Real-time Enterprise
products were used in this redbook project testing environment. We discuss
how they interact, and their role in a real-time enterprise environment.
򐂰 Chapter 6 - Real-time data warehouse update approaches: Are you ready for
real-time? This chapter describes a number of approaches that can be used,
depending on your particular requirements and your current environment. It
describes a number of techniques and technologies available to help as you
move forward with your real-time enterprise.
򐂰 Chapter 7 - The project test environment: What did we have as a test
environment while developing this redbook? In this chapter, we describe the
software and hardware used, and give you a macro view of how those
products relate. We investigated two approaches, based on two separate
versions of WebSphere Business Integration. New and powerful capabilities
made the task much easier.
򐂰 Chapter 8 - A retail industry case study: To validate the techniques and
technologies discussed in this redbook, we decided to demonstrate a case
study. It revolves around a retailer and the processes used to discover,
analyze, and resolve a business problem. It this case, the handling of a
defective product, provided by a particular supplier.
That is a very brief abstract of the redbook contents. We think it will help in your
selection and prioritization for reading topics. But of course, we believe you
should read the entire book and that you will find it both interesting and

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