Chapter 6. The project test environment 271
leveraging existing resources and skill sets. In addition, it is optimized for rapid
application delivery and deployment, and provides a component-based,
comprehensive framework for integrating analytics into existing business
processes and systems. By implementing solutions that include DB2 Alphablox,
you can increase the value of your information assets by delivering business
insight to the right people at the point-of-decision.
The Alphablox environment was developed with the following hardware and
software configurations:
򐂰 Hardware
Intel Server with 1 processor
1024 MB memory
20 GB disk space
򐂰 Operating System
Windows 2000 SP 4
򐂰 Software
DB2 UDB V8.2 Enterprise Server Edition FP10
DB2 Alphablox V8.2
WebSphere Application Server V5
򐂰 WebSphere Portal Server V5
6.3 Test Scenario B
This test scenario is basically the same as scenario A, except that we used some
enhanced functionality in WebSphere. That came in the form of the WebSphere
Message Broker V6 and the Advanced Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). This
extends the integration of a service-oriented architecture to encompass the
entire enterprise and beyond.
6.3.1 Software overview
In this scenario, we enabled the ESB and created a service oriented
environment. This service oriented test scenario is depicted on Figure 6-4.
Basically this scenario is the same as Scenario A. The only difference is that
now, the closed-loop structure is accomplished through the use of the ESB. So,
we now get all the benefits of ESB, and have a solution that is significantly more
flexible, and more cost effective to implement.

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